PNW Door

For this week’s Thursday Door I present a typical, somewhat-posh-but-not-overly-so, homey and welcoming Pacific Northwest door:


Let’s have a seat, sip our coffee & chat, shall we? For more responses to Norm’s Thursday Door series, (or even to join in!) click here.

A Truck Door is a Door, Right?

Here’s the thing: I’ve run out of doors in my little photo archive. My trip to Portugal, a veritable gold mine of doors, is already long ago, and frankly, my hometown is not architecturally door-rich.

But I wanted to share in this week’s fun, so I got out from behind my desk and pounded the nearby pavement, looking for something worthy….

I found this, and submit it with a bit of a cringe….it’s a stretch, but hey! it’s cool…


I don’t know whose truck this is, but it’s usually parked in this spot. The back of the truck is sometimes full, really FULL of stuff ~ packaged food, kitchen items, clothes, you-name-it.  It’s the freebox with the most style ~ take what you need, leave what you can/don’t need, and share. Today, the back was very slim pickins…but neat truck, right? I mean…door!

I’ve distracted the door-lovers enough ~ for some fantastic, and proper doors, click here for Norm’s Thursday door series.



The Changing Seasons: March

March has been somewhat of a blur. Not just in the way that events small and large have taken up my time and attention, but in the way the rain has slid down the window, pooled everywhere, and pummeled all the sprouting, blooming, greening things. I had hoped to get out and take pictures for this month’s Changing Seasons post. I even put it on my calendar. But the rain. Lots of rain. I think I need a waterproof camera if this photography thing is gonna work for me. Relying on my iphone is insufficient.

Thus my selection is small, and none of them of rain. Which is really what March is here in the Pacific Northwest. Lots of rain. And light. In these northern latitudes the light is returning, and for me, that’s the biggest change. Walking home from work takes about an hour. In winter, this is done entirely in the dark, as my previous Changing Seasons post showed. But in March, especially once the “time” changed, I walk entirely in the light! You can really see the difference here:

Late January vs early March.

With the return of the light, the plentiful rain and the mild temperatures this year, everything began bursting out.

To see more of Cardinal’s Changing Seasons fans, click here.

And if any of you can recommend a good camera suitable for photography in a downpour, please tell me! It’s time …



WPC: Fire Dance

I really had to dig to find an entry for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge: Dance…Sure, I had a few snapshots that included people dancing, but those were generally blurry and awkward.

Then I found these:

From a memorial gathering fire from, wow, already 4 years ago. Time flies faster than the dancing sparks…Around here there’s a lot of fire-dancers, but this is something completely different. This is the fire itself dancing….enjoy.

To see more responses, click here.

Door Expressions

For this week’s Norm’s Thursday Doors, I picked this neighborhood door with a lot to say:


Sorry about the poor focus ~ I took it too quick and didn’t give my phone time to get a grip. Some doors I feel great about snapping, and others I feel almost intrusive. Despite all the messages displayed, I got the feeling these folks didn’t want loiterers….or photographers!

To see more responses from this door-fetish community, or to join in, click here.